04 April 2008

The MPA can Suck My Ass™

They did not shut down the Powertabs site, did they?

It looks like they did.

Mutherfuckingbastards. This has just gone too far.

Powertabs is a freeware software program developed for musicians which allows transcription of songs in an easy-to-create and easy-to-use format. Although the software is still available, apparently the Music Publishers' Association (MPA) has forced the shutdown of the site which hosted the wealth of user-generated tablature for thousands of songs. Clearly this is a move by the MPA to intimidate the masses. What organizations like the MPA do not realize that, while they see this as "a victory in protecting the interests of artists and musicians", they are in fact mobilizing and strengthening this community against them.

Personally, the site has been an inspiration to me when I literally wanted to throw my guitar out the window and laugh sadistically while seeing it hit the ground and smash into a billion pieces. The community was/is great, the tabs were great, and I still went out and bought tab books regardless. With my crappy ear, I would never be able to transcribe anything just from hearing it, and fuck! Where are you going to find a Mercyful Fate tab book anyways!? Show it to me, MPA fuckwads, and I'll friggin buy it from you...

There are rumblings on the 'net about fighting back. I suggest asking the kind people at Pirate Bay for a special category, and posting the tabs there.


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